
REST Products object

For information about how REST API works, see rest main page.

You can see and manage products catalog here.

REST "products" object allows you to read products catalog, delete records in it, and add new records. When adding new product with "internal_id" that already present in the catalog, fields of old record will be overriden.

Special column "data_last_modified" stores Unix Timestamp of last record modification.

The URL is:

Insert example

curl --data '{"internal_id": "123", "title": "About all", "description_long": "New product"}' ''

Now if you insert another record with internal_id "123", data will be merged.

curl --data '{"internal_id": "123", "description_long": "Was new product"}' ''

Select example

Select "123".

curl ''

Delete example

Delete "123".

curl -X DELETE ''
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