PERSONYZE® Privacy Policy
We will NEVER sell your personal data to anyone. Personyze allows its users/customers to have control over the privacy of personal data that is captured by our service. This Privacy Policy provides information about how Personyze processes and protects this data.
This section should always be read in conjunction with the specific Privacy Policy of the Personzye Enabled Site, which will contain further details regarding the processing of your personal data by the Personyze Enabled Site.
We will NEVER sell your personal data to anyone. Personyze allows its users/customers to have control over the privacy of personal data that is captured by our service. This Privacy Policy provides information about how Personyze processes and protects this data
Personyze assists its users/customers in providing their end users with a better user experience. Most importantly, through Personyze’s services, the functionality of the Personyze Enabled Site can be improved, making them more user-friendly, more valuable, and simpler to use for the end users.
You may opt-out from having Personyze collect your information when visiting a Personyze Enabled Site at any time by visiting the Opt-out page on the Personyze Enabled Site, and clicking ‘Disable Tracking’, or enabling Do Not Track (DNT) in your browser.
Personyze uses cookies and other technologies to collect data on our users’ behavior and their devices (in particular, devices’ IP addresses captured and stored only in anonymized form, device screen size, device type, unique device identifiers, browser information, geographic location [country only], and preferred language used to display the website). Personyze stores this information in a pseudonymized user profile. The information we collect from cookies is only used in conjunction with your use of our services and is not shared by us with any third party.
You may also still have cookies placed by us from time to time on your browser in order to enable us to perform certain website testing. Please note: if you delete your cookies or use another browser to navigate the Web, you will need to opt out again.