GDPR compliant for our personalization tools

Personyze service GDPR policy


On May 25th, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the European Union’s (EU) new data protection framework, will come into effect. Any organization that processes personal data of EU residents, or monitors the behavior of persons within the EU in connection with goods/services offered will be affected. The GDPR is an expansion of individuals’ privacy rights through tighter limits on the processing of their personal data, which provides increased transparency into the nature, purpose, and use of this data.

Why Personyze collect data

Personyze is a comprehensive personalization solution that uses machine learning and behavioral targeting to deliver dynamic cross-channel experiences based on the visitor current or past site behavior, geographic and demographic data, e-commerce transactions, CRM attributes, and more. The visitor data is used with one or more of the key components of our personalization engine such as Content and Product Recommendation, Email Personalization, A/B testing, personalized promotions, Social Proof Widgets, Dynamic Landing Pages, and more. 

Personyze’s Commitment to Data Protection and GDPR Compliance

As an omni-channel personalization provider, Personyze understands the importance individuals’ rights to data privacy. GDPR compliance, as with other data protection laws, requires commitment from both Personyze and our clients. Personyze is in compliance with the GDPR since May 25th, 2018 and our services already include the functionality necessary for our customers to comply with the GDPR’s consent requirement. As we carefully examine the relevant provisions of the GDPR and track applicable GDPR guidance issued by regulatory authorities, we are taking steps to develop tools for our clients to facilitate GDPR-compliant use of Personyze services.

Key GDPR Compliant Personalization Requirements

The GDPR will change some data collection processes and procedures in Personyze, as well as how data is documented and managed. Below is an overview of some of the key GDPR requirements which Personyze will be in compliance with.

Among other Personyze offers, as preparation for GDPR, Personyze will ensure that:

  • Data management:
    Clients are able to determine what data is collected by Personyze. By default, Personyze does not store personal information, including IP addresses; when clients want to store IP, we offer anonymized IP addresses (Personyze recognizes visitors based on a unique ID we assign, which is not considered personal). We do collect the IP address for location extraction, and weather forecast, after which we promptly delete it.  In Personyze, when you create a data container to collect data, you can decide if this data is moved to storage (analytics server) or deleted after the visitor’s session has ended. For recommendations and personalization, we don’t need the actual IP or name of the visitor who is on the site, because we build profiles based on affinity, interest, and behavior.
  • Giving the visitor control over the data:
      1. In Personyze, you can turn tracking off or on based on the visitor’s consent (click here to read how), which will be kept in a log.
      2. Your account can be set up so that a visitor can see the data Personyze has on him or her, and delete it.
  • Server Access:
    Personyze uses Amazon server environments to store data collected from site visitors. The data can be accessed from the Personyze interface, where there is a role-based permission system to decide who has access to data.

Click Here to read about how to opt out visitors using Javascript. 

Notifying Visitors of Your Use of Personyze

To do so, you can insert a clause in your privacy policy explaining this. If you are collecting user data that is considered private, it is your responsibility to adjust your privacy policy appropriately.

We have a pre-made clause to be included in any of our customer’s privacy policies who wish to use it, as seen below.


This is our standard template to be used in your website privacy policy and designed to aid compliance with data protection legislation. As many local and jurisdictional regulations are emerging on a regular basis, the information contained in the template may not reflect the most current legal developments in your jurisdictions. Only qualified and dedicated legal expertise can guarantee that your privacy policy is compliant with the laws applicable. If you are not sure about any legal questions or have any questions or doubts about our template you should consult with a lawyer or law firm specialized in digital communications law. If the local laws of your jurisdictions require a website privacy policy to contain further information feel free to contact us.

We use Personyze in order to better understand our users’ needs and to optimize our service and customer experience. Personyze is a technology service that helps us better understand our users’ experience (e.g. how much time they spend on which pages, which links they choose to click, what users do and don’t like, etc.), and this enables us to build and maintain our service with user feedback. Personyze uses cookies and other technologies to collect data on our users’ behavior and their devices (in particular, devices’ IP addresses, captured and stored only in anonymized form), device screen size, device type (unique device identifiers), browser information, geographic location (country only), and preferred language used to display our website. Personyze stores this information in a pseudonymized user profile. Neither Personyze nor we will ever use this information to identify individual users or to match it with further data on any individual user.

Please note that the wording provided is set to be a very generic statement and might need to be tailored to fit your particular use of Personyze’s service. We also recommend that you work with your own counsel to make sure that it addresses any concerns your business and customers might have.

Please let us know of any additional questions by contacting us through

This section should always be read in conjunction with the specific Privacy Policy of the Personzye Enabled Site, which will contain further details regarding the processing of your personal data by the Personyze Enabled Site.

We will NEVER sell your personal data to anyone. Personyze allows its users/customers to have control over the privacy of personal data that is captured by our service. This Privacy Policy provides information about how Personyze processes and protects this data

Personyze assists its users/customers in providing their end users with a better user experience. Most importantly, through Personyze’s services, the functionality of the Personyze Enabled Site can be improved, by the machine learning and behavioral targeting that enable our customers to deliver dynamic cross-channel experiences based on their visitors current or past site behavior, geographic and demographic data, and more. The visitor data is used with one or more of the key components of our personalization engine such as Content and Product Recommendation, Email Personalization, A/B testing, personalized promotions, Social Proof Widgets, Dynamic Landing Pages, and more. 


You may opt-out from having Personyze collect your information when visiting a Personyze Enabled Site at any time by visiting the Opt-out page on the Personyze Enabled Site, and clicking ‘Disable Tracking’, or enabling Do Not Track (DNT) in your browser.

Personyze uses cookies and other technologies to collect data on our users’ behavior and their devices (in particular, devices’ IP addresses captured and stored only in anonymized form, device screen size, device type, unique device identifiers, browser information, geographic location [country only], and preferred language used to display the website). Personyze stores this information in a pseudonymized user profile. The information we collect from cookies is only used in conjunction with your use of our services and is not shared by us with any third party.