CRM Targeting Example On a SaaS Site

Use the sliders to see how this SaaS company’s digital experience is optimized for relevance for two separate users, using a combination of content recommendations and CRM targeting.

crm targeting

Technical Professional

This visitor is identified by Personyze as having a technical
role in their company, based on CRM data.

user image 4 (3)

Upper Management

This visitor is identified by Personyze as having an upper management role in their company, based on CRM data.

Home Page with Targeted Banners

Use the slider to see the how the home page is personalized for each visitor using targeted banners and promotions and content recommendations.



Blog Page with Content Recommendations

Use the slider to see how the blog page is personalized using interest-based content recommendations.



Targeted Exit Popup 

Use the slider to see a targeted exit popup for each visitor, implemented using Personyze ABM technology.
Notice how the popup is relevant to each specific visitor’s interests.

Remarketing Email with Content Recommendations 

Use the slider to see remarketing emails with content recommendations relevant to each specific visitor’s interests.




Let’s talk about how Personyze’s ABM and CRM targeting can help you drive more sales with tailored content based on account data.